Purchase of medium-scale warehouse system technology with original management and lighting systems with power supplied by an RES micro-installation.

Purchase of medium-scale warehouse system technology with original management and lighting systems with power supplied by an RES micro-installation.

(WOPG / 182/2020)

Project description:

Project value: 1,250,000.00 PLN

Grant value: PLN 875,000.00

Completion timeline: 2021- 2022

Intermediary institution: Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. (The Agency of Industrial Development)

Scope: This undertaking consists in the purchase and implementation of a medium-scale warehouse system with original management and lighting systems with power supplied by an RES micro-installation. The general system consists of three aspects all integrated with one another via smart programming:

Project completed as part of:

The Smart Growth Operational Program; Priority axis 2. Supporting the environment and business potential for doing business of a R+D+I nature; Operation 2.2 Open innovation - support for technology transfer.