Implementation of medium scale warehouse system technology with original management and lighting systems with power supplied by an RES micro-installation

Implementation of medium scale warehouse system technology with original management and lighting systems with power supplied by an RES micro-installation.

(NORW. 19.01.01-28-0011 / 20)


Project description:

Project value: PLN

Grant value: 4,257,150.00 PLN

Completion timeline: 2021- 2022

Intermediary institution: Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorstw S.A. (The Polish Agency of Enterprise Development)

Scope: This undertaking consisted in implementing medium-scale warehouse system technology with original management and lighting systems with power supplied by an RES micro-installation. The general system consists of three aspects, all integrated with one another via smart programming:

  1. IT /hardware - properly selected and configured software and hardware to determine an effective and simple path of collecting and positioning goods / inventory items
  2. EE - energy efficiency and LED lighting
  3. Turbo-RES (Photovoltaic) – complete integration of project infrastructure with an RES-powered energy system.

Implementing this technology shall yield an innovative warehouse-logistics infrastructure, one that is autonomous energy-wise and semi-automated: the process is autonomous, and also semi-automated: the process is automated, but the human element remains, this being necessary in the context of the specificity of the grant applicant's activity regarding stock collection and stock replenishing. The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of the processes that take place in the warehouse. The project will have a direct impact on changing the processes relating to the consolidation and conversion of orders, as well as to the collection planning stage, the collection stage, and the stages connected with monitoring the correctness of the goods collected and the packaging of said goods. The project also aims to achieve energy independence in these processes. Its specific objectives are to increase sales and to improve savings in the form of a significant reduction in electricity costs. In accordance with the “Opinion on innovativeness,” innovation is thus far unknown and will be applied for the first time, or innovation is known and applied on an international and national scale for less than one year.

Project completed as part of:

The operational program known as the Norwegian Financial Mechanism; Priority axis 19 of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021; Operation 19.1 New Products and Investments; Suboperation 19.1.1 Environmentally Friendly Technologies – Green Growth; Project type: contest.