Innovative operations in the MND Group for the implementation of an automated and smart WMS warehouse management system

Innovative operations in the MND Group for the implementation of an automated and smart WMS warehouse management system

(RPWM.01.04.03-28-0077 / 18-002-02)

Project description:

Project value: PLN 689,439.60

Grant value: 364,338.00 PLN

Completion timeline: 2018- 2019

Intermediary institution: Warmińsko-Mazurska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w Olsztynie (The Warmia and Mazury Regional Development Agency – A Joint-Stock Company – in Olsztyn)

Scope: Investments in modern logistics solutions, improving the customer service process. The process innovation of the WMS information system results from the fact that, unlike other systems offered in Poland, this system has several methods of handling each process taking place in the company's warehouse. The aim of the project was to increase the innovativeness of the MND Group by purchasing and implementing a new business model - an innovative IT system of the WMS type to manage own warehouse processes. The implementation of the project made it possible to increase the number of concluded commercial contracts, increase the value of sales revenues (including export sales) and increase the level of investment in the company.

Project completed as part of:

The Warmia and Mazury Regional Operation Program 2014-2020; Number and name of the priority axis: Warmia and Mazury Smart Economy RPWM.01.00.00; Priority Investment Number: Developing and implementing new business models for SMEs, particularly for their internationalization. Number and name for Operations: RPWM.01.04.00 New business models and expansion; Number and suboperation: RPWM.01.04.03.